Top Quality Professional Stand up Comedy Magic Act and Award-Winning Close-up Magician for Private Parties and All Corporate Events


What they said about Roy.

The huge hit of the night was Roy Charles. This one man conjuring calamity is bound to remind many of Tommy Cooper. He even had the natural grace of the great man. In all honesty he didn’t remind me totally of anyone, Which really has to be his biggest selling point.

Roy Charles is the most convincing new comedy act that it has been my good fortune to witness in the last two years.

Mark Ritchie – The Stage and Television Today


There will never be another Tommy Cooper, but just occasionally one comes across a comic who has that same spark. Without doubt Roy Charles is one of the most exciting and original finds in comedy in recent years. He grabbed the audience from the minute he stepped onto stage and caused consistent laughter, reminiscent of Tommy.

Christopher Day – The Stage and Television Today


The show lit up for me when Roy Charles took to the stage. He reminded me of a modern day Tommy Cooper, with his excellent original one liners and crazy props, this naturally funny character has a style all of his own. He was an instant hit with the audience from the offset, and held their attention throughout.

Peter Banyon – The Stage and Television Today


Roy has a very natural comedic thread to him, and he knows how to make people laugh. His finale is one of the funniest routines I’ve ever seen.

Christopher Day – The Stage and Television Today


Roy Charles got through a lot of material in his spot, not only did he prove to be a more than competent magical talent. He had the audience in stitches from start to finish, obviously a young man to look out for in the future.

Doug Hibbard – Abra Cadabra Magazine 


Standing at six foot six, Roy is a big man with an even bigger talent.

Austin Brown – The Lakeside Cabaret Venue, Frimley Green, Surrey.


“Whenever I need a magician for an event, Roy is the first person I call.”

Dean (Manager) – Chichester Park Hotel, West Sussex.

Roy Charles brings together an impressive combination of clever magic and comedy.  His very likeable character shines through as he takes you on a journey of lighthearted humour topped off with some  truely captivating and mind boggling illusions. 

From close up magic to larger scale performance,  Roy is a true craftsman of his trade.

Maxine Hill (Manager) – McCarthy and Stone, Southampton, Hampshire.

Close up magic Hampshire